
  1. Pages 10.10.5 Mac
  2. Is Os X Yosemite 10.10.5 The Latest Version
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Development of CHIRP is an all-volunteer effort and is offered as open-source software, free of charge. If you like CHIRP, please consider contributing a small donation to help support the costs of development and hardware:

Version: 10.10.5 I am facing problem while searching a file on external hard drive using spotlight on OS X Yosemite 10.10.5. Have tried reindexing both ways (system preferences and terminal) but did not work. Nov 10, 2018 Download Mac OS X Yosemite - The OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, and is recommended for all users.

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CHIRP is distributed as a series of automatically-generated builds. Any time we make a change to CHIRP, a build is created for it the next day. Thus, CHIRP is versioned by the date on which it was created, which makes it easy to determine if you have an older build. We don't put experimental things into CHIRP before they are ready, except where specifically called out with a warning. Thus, you do not need to worry about finding a stable version to run. You should always be on the latest build available.

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Upgrading: You do need to uninstall an existing version of CHIRP before installing a newer one. Just install the new one and it will replace the existing copy!

You can find a complete test report of the current build here and a matrix of supported models and features here

Windows Users¶

  • CHIRP runs on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10. Older versions of Windows are not supported
  • Most users will want to download the installer.exe file, which installs CHIRP like a normal application
  • The win32.zip file is for advanced users wishing to run CHIRP without installing

MacOS Users¶

Is Os X Yosemite 10.10.5 The Latest Version

  • OS X support is limited to Intel architecture. PowerPC is not supported.
  • Chirp.app is unsigned. With default security settings, you will need a special procedure to run it: Application Security in 10.9.

Homebrew users can install Chirp without the KK7DS runtime by running brew install tdsmith/ham/chirp and then running chirp from the terminal.
However, running CHIRP using Homebrew is obsolete. MacOS Unified Application build is now the recommended way.

More useful tidbits can be found at MacOS Tips.

Linux Users¶

Most Linux users will want the flatpak executable, which has the entire runtime integrated and should 'just work.' If you are running an old or weird distro and want the source distribution, grab the tarball from the above link.

Translators and Developers¶

There is extensive documentation about the development and contribution process located at http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/Developers

You can access older versions of chirp here:
< User Manager

How to find?

Pages 10.10.5

User page can be found at address: http://Router_IP_address/user/publicID , where

  • 'Router_IP_address' must be replaced with IP address of your router where the User Manager is running (don't mix it with the HotSpot router, if User Manager and HotSpot are running on different routers);
  • publicID must be replaced with public ID of the subscriber who is the owner of this user;
  • If there is only one subscriber on this router the part '/publicID' can be skipped, i.e., then the address http://Router_IP_address/user can be used.

What is Public ID and how to change it?

See: Subscriber public ID.

Link to user page

Links and buttons to user page can be used in other web pages. There are several things configurable:

  • router IP address;
  • subscriber's public ID;
  • caption on the link/button.

Textual link

To get a textual link to user page, replace this template with your own values:

  • %hostname% - router's hostname or IP address;
  • %subid% - subscriber's public ID;
  • %caption% - caption of the link that will be show to user.

Example: To get a link to userman.mt.lv router's demo subscriber user page, use the following link:

And it looks like this: This is an example link to Mikrotik User Manager demo User page

Link button

To get a button, which leads to user page, replace this template with your own values:

Example: To get a button-link to userman.mt.lv router's demo subscriber user page, use the following link:

The visual representation cannot be shown here because of the wiki security so you have to pretend how it looks like.

The same button-link is used in HotSpot page templates. By default it looks like this:

$(hostname) here is replaced with the hostname of the HotSpot router (so the default link works only if HotSpot and User Manager are running on the same router). Hostname and subscriber id can be replaced with desired values.


This par of a document describes sections available in user page. For navigation use the menu on the left side:


Here the user can see account's status:

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  • Summary;
  • Credits;
  • Sessions.

Sample screenshot:

This information is also formatted for printing. See print preview in the browser (Usually under File > Print preview in the browser's toolbar). Credits and sessions are formed in tables. These tables can be 'minimized' - the button on the upper right corner of the table. A minimized table will not be printed (see print preview).


Here the user can see:

  • Prepaid time - duration of all the credits bought (See: time constants). Or the word unlimited (See prepaid and unlimited users);
  • Total price - how much all the credits cost;
  • Uptime limit - the maximum allowed duration of user's sessions;
  • Uptime used - current duration of user's sessions;
  • Download used
  • Upload used


Table with all credits this user has bought. No data for unlimited users.

Sample screenshot:

If there are credits that are not started yet (see: credits), start-time and end-time fields contain values 'awaiting login'.


Table with all user's sessions.

Sample screenshot:


Here the user can view payment history and buy a new credit .This section is only available if the subscriber has allowed any payments.

View payments

Table with all user payments.

Sample screenshot:

To see all details of specific payment, open payment detail form by clicking on ID in the table.

Payment detail form

Detail form with payment data:

Contains all payment fields.

Buy credit

A new credit can be bought here using payment methods which are allowed by the subscriber.

There are a number of restrictions for this sub-section to be accessible:

  • Secure connection (https) must be used to access the site. Otherwise a notification with a link to secure page will be shown;
  • At least one payment method must be allowed by the subscriber;
  • Subscriber must have configured all required payment attributes;

Sample screenshot:

Here user can see his/her current balance and choose a credit to buy. After click on the 'Buy' button user will be redirected to payment gateway where he/she will have to enter required data to process payment.

Important - payment data (such as credit card number and expiry date) is sent directly from user's computer to payment gateway and is not captured by User Manager. User Manager processes only response about the payment result from the payment gateway. This response does not contain any sensitive user's data.

When the payment is successful, the selected credit is added to user's account.


In this section user can configure his/her parameters:

  • Private information (informational, not used by User Manager):
    • First name;
    • Last name;
    • Phone;
    • Location.
  • Email - used to send emails to user. Must be unique.

If values provided in 'New password' and 'Retype new password' fields, the password will be changed.

Sample screenshot:

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