
  1. Vanilla Vs Bartender Drink
  2. Vanilla Vs Bartender Ice Cream
  3. Mac Vanilla Vs Bartender
  4. Vanilla Vs Bartenders
  5. Vanilla Vs Bartender Vodka
  6. Vanilla Vs Bartender
  1. Vodka: What are They Made Of? The popular ingredient in rum is molasses, and coming in close second is sugarcane. As rum is often made on Caribbean islands, this ingredient list makes sense. It is important to note that the ingredients will ultimately impact the flavor profile of a spirit or cocktails made with it.
  2. Bartender is one of the most popular add-ons that can be installed on WoW. For those of you who are unaware of what the add-on’s about, it is basically an ActionBar replacement mod. It gives players the ability to change or customize different aspects of their Action bars.
  3. When the clock ran down, he poured smoky single-malt Scotch over ice and stirred it up with the vanilla liqueur, bitters, and a spoonful of the obligatory marmalade.

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There is no greater pressure than the moment the bartender is staring at you, her hands confidently on the bar, awaiting your reply to the question, “What’ll you have?” It is important to know that we have all been there. A common reply is to ask the ‘tender, “What do you recommend?” While an honest question, nothing holds a bartender up more than going through a verbal drink menu. Another staple response in this scenario is to immediately put the pressure on a friend by saying, “Well what’re you having?” This is not fair to your friends or loved ones, as they could be in the same predicament. If you ask any bartender, they will tell you that when the perceived pressure to order is high, most folks go with an easy standard like rum and coke, or vodka and soda. There is nothing wrong with these combinations at all, but do you even know what rum or vodka really is? How are they similar? Why do they look so different?

It is time to take back the moment of ordering a cocktail. It is time to build confidence so you can approach the bar full of knowledge and expertise. Not only should you be able to order for yourself, you should be able to order for anyone who needs assistance from one who knows the difference between spirits. Let’s build your knowledge and take a look at the answers to the questions regarding what makes rum and vodka, well, rum and vodka.

Rum vs. Vodka: What are They Made Of?

The popular ingredient in rum is molasses, and coming in close second is sugarcane. As rum is often made on Caribbean islands, this ingredient list makes sense. It is important to note that the ingredients will ultimately impact the flavor profile of a spirit or cocktails made with it.

Vodka, from the Slavic word “voda” meaning water, is made primarily from potatoes or grains (think: wheat). Vodka is sometimes infused with herbs or fruit to alter its flavor but because of its ingredients does not have an overwhelming flavor. There is a reason the “loaded baked potato” was invented!

Rum is fermented, and distilled, using the molasses and sugar cane combination. While molasses is typically dark in color, the liquid after distillation is still clear. Well, how does rum get its typical coloring? That comes from its aging process. Rum is aged in oak casks (think: wine barrel). It takes on the coloring and, depending on the type of cask, some flavor from the barrel as it ages. The compounds that are absorbed from the barrels are called vanillin and tannins.

Vodka, like rum, is fermented and distilled. The potato or wheat ingredient is fermented and then ethanol (alcohol) is added for distillation. There is no barrel aging process, leading to the clear color and virtually tasteless end product, hence the name stemming from a word meaning water.

Rum vs. Vodka: How do They Taste?

As for anything one puts in their mouth, taste is ultimately the most important factor. Well, then it is important to know how each spirit tastes. It is worth noting that while rum and vodka have a general taste, each brand and rendition can have its own subtle nuances. This is one reason you will hear people suggest to avoid “the cheap stuff”, as it can taste of a little less quality at times.

Vanilla Vs Bartender

Rum, generally speaking, is a sweeter spirit. As we mentioned earlier, the prevailing ingredients are molasses and sugarcane. Quite obviously, this leads us to think of something sweet. Now, rum has some nuances throughout its genre, as there are rums that are obviously much lighter than others. Bacardi, for example, is typically a lighter rum than Captain Morgan. Each brand has a myriad of flavor options but at the end of the day, rum will have some sweetness to it.

Vodka, on the other hand, is far different tasting. In fact, in many brands, it has very little taste at all. The “cheap stuff” in the world of vodka can leave a strong burning sensation when taken “neat”, or as just vodka in a glass. Better vodka brands like Stolichnaya and Svedka have little flavor in their traditional vodkas. This lack of overwhelming flavor is why vodka is commonly used in cocktails, as it provides the benefits of alcohol while not overriding other flavors.

Rum vs. Vodka: Which is Right for Me?

Ask yourself, “Do I want sweet or do I want savory?” If savory, then rum is out of the question. If sweet is your reply then the next question to answer is whether you want to taste the liquor in your drink or not. If yes, rum is in! If no, give a vodka drink a try. In either case, now you have the knowledge to confidently choose as opposed to blindly going with someone else’s preference. Stride on up to that bar, look that bartender in the eye, and order with suave! Here is a handy chart to help you choose from a few drinks that will make you look like a pro.

Cocktail Name

Liquor Taste/Strength









Moscow Mule





Vodka Martini


Sometimes in my line of work as a bartender I find that I engage in very interesting conversations. Conversations like these can make an otherwise quiet night into something very entertaining. This post is not about one of those conversations.
I had a customer want to get into an argument with me about all things: Goldschläger and Fireball Cinnamon Whisky. In the discussion that occurred at 3:25 am, the customer interjected himself into another conversation that I was having with a fellow bartender. My fellow bartender-in-arms was asking me how well does Fireball sell at our bar

Vanilla Vs Bartender Drink

(since his bar doesn't carry it). For the record, it sells...ALOT!!!! We can go through three to five bottles on a busy weekend shift. The customer (who happens to also be a bartender, albiet at a Michelin rated restaurant)Vanilla

Vanilla Vs Bartender Ice Cream

who is from overseas was stating that Goldschläger was the real deal not this new Fireball whisky. I related to him that Fireball was not new at all.

Mac Vanilla Vs Bartender

As I wrote in my post 60's Era Cold War Cocktails A-La Mad Men Part I from November 15, 2013, Fireball Whisky was originally the old Dr. McGillicuddy's Fireball Canadian Whisky of the 1960's. He scoffs at my answer and then turns around to me and states that Goldschläger is older. His reasoning was due to Goldschläger being some old German liqueur to which I respond that I don't know how old it is or where its from but that I only know of it since the 1980's here in the States. I guess that got his Anti-American feelings up since he was about to start to rant that why did it matter when it was sold here in the United States. I stopped the potential rant by saying that it didn't matter, since at 3:25 am I didn't care and walked away leaving him with the other bartender who made in initial query on Fireball. A day later the curiosity got the better of me. I decided to do some research on Goldschläger.
Ah Goldschläger, the favorite of many a frat boys wanting to do shots of an Oatmeal Cookie(Equal parts of Goldschläger® cinnamon schnapps, butterscotch schnapps, Bailey's® Irish cream, Jagermeister® herbal liqueur. Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Strain into a shot glass, and serve) is a Cinnamon schnapps. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't find anything online to tell me when Goldschläger was created. I found a quick blurb about Goldschläger in the book Gold: A Cultural Encyclopedia By Shannon Venable. Here is what was written about it:
Goldschläger is a flavored schnapps liqueur with the taste of spicy cinnamon that has gold flake leaves added to it as a novelty. The fancy liqueur was originally produced in Switzerland until the 1990s, when the U.K. multinational wine beer and spirits distributed Diageo acquire the brand and transferred its manufacturing to Italy. Originally developed with 53.5% alcohol content equivalent to 107 proof, Goldschläger now contains 43.5% alcohol at 87 proof. Each 750 mL bottle contains less than 0.1 g of gold leaf. The German name means 'gold beater' in reference to gold leaf manufactures who pound bricks of gold into thin sheets.

The addition of the gold to the clear liqueur originates from a long tradition of adding gold flakes to food and beverage for both prestige and presumed health benefits. There is evidence that the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt may have added gold for the wine. The nobility of medieval Europe added gold to their alcoholic beverages as a lavish display of wealth. Goldwasser ('Gold water') is another gold flecked beverage manufactured in the Polish city of Danzig since it's invention in the late 16th century. A variety of contemporary champagnes and sparkling wines also contained gold flakes for celebratory flair.
I've never heard about Goldwasser. Now I was definitely curious. Speaking of Goldwasser:

Vanilla Vs Bartenders

Vanilla Vs Bartender Vodka

Goldwasser, The Original Danziger
Since 1598 - The timeless fascination of a delicious gold experience. Original Danziger Goldwasser (Gold Water of Gdansk) was first created in 1598 in the city of Gdansk and ranked as the favourite liqueur of the legendary Russian Tsar Peter and Catherine the Great. The popularity of this famous Danziger Liqueur - featuring suspended genuine 22 - carat gold flakes - soon spread internationally and quickly became a favourite liqueur of high society. To this day, this delicious gold liqueur remains a uniquely bitter sweet experience that glows in the splendor of this precious metal and which has lost none of its fascination. The exquisite Original Danziger Goldwasser Liqueur was once regarded as an unaffordable treasure on account of its genuine gold leaf content. As an exclusive gift, it stood as a shining symbol of affection, friendship and esteem. Its secret original formula from the 16th century remains unchanged today and is the seal of its provenance and authenticity
Now I don't know if Danzinger Goldwasser was indeed the favorite liqueur of Tsars Peter and Catherine the Great or just hyperbole but I have to say that pushing that little nugget of history is pretty cool. Never let it be said that a stupid conversation at 3:25 am can't lead to something educational. Though the combative customer was wrong about Goldschläger being from Germany, his nosiness helped me find out about Goldwasser and the history behind it. So I guess I owe him thanks. Thanks.
For my next post I go back to the movies with my liquor filled glasses analysis of The Boondock Saints (1999).
Until Then Happy Drinking,
Sisco Vanilla

Vanilla Vs Bartender
